Pac-Dent's FlexCann™ tips are 31 ga double side-vented irrigation cannulas to be used during the root canal irrigation phases. The unique angled nozzle design allows correct tip positioning on anterior and posterior teeth without the risk of interrupting irrigant flow by bending the metal part of the cannula. In addition, FlexCann™ is designed to create the proper shear wear stress on the root canal walls, which is responsible for the mechanical cleaning effect, without the inadvertent expression of the irrigant into periapical tissues. The flexible stainless-steel 31 ga non-tapered cannula safely navigates in curve canals, allowing upward flushing motion.
• 109° Fixed Angle• Two lengths, white 21 mm and blue 27 mm• Pre-installed rubber stop• Rounded closed-end prevents wall laceration• Controlled maximum velocity magnitude of 0.10 mL/s and 0.05 mL/s
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