Molar Clamps
3) For small lower molars with flat beaks.
W3) For small lower molars with flat beaks. Similar to 3 but wingless.
4) For upper molars with festooned beaks.
5) For upper molars with festooned beaks.
7) For big lower molars with flat beaks.
7A) For big lower molars with flat beaks.
8) For big upper molars with festooned beaks. Same size as 7.
8A) For upper molars with deeply festooned beaks which can grab subgingival part.
W8A) Similar to 8A but wingless.
12A) Especially for the third upper left and lower right molars with flat serrated beaks, paired with 13A.
13A) Especially for the third lower left and upper right molars with flat serrated beaks, paired with 12A.
14) For partially erupted molars with deeply festooned beaks.
14A) For partially erupted molars with deeply festooned beaks, bigger than 14.
15) For big lower molars with flat and longer beaks, a strong spring.
18) For upper & lower molars with flat beak.
24) For upper left and lower right buccal molars' subgingival cavities. The buccal side has wider fringe slightly festooned beaks. Paired with 25.
25) For lower left and upper right buccal molars' subgingival cavities. The buccal side has wider fringe slightly festooned beaks. Paired with 24.
26) For upper molars in case of exposure of the tooth neck with slightly festooned beaks. Available for the second bicuspids.
28) For upper and lower molars with flat beaks, wide view.
30) For lower left molar subgingival with slightly festooned beaks. The projection on the buccal beak slips into the furcation. Paired with 31.
31) For lower right molar subgingival with slightly festooned beaks. The projection on the buccal beak slips into the furcation. Paired with 30.
42) For upper left molars with flat beaks, paired with 43.
43) For upper right molars with flat beaks, paired with 42.
51) For buccolabial molar furcations with slightly festooned beaks. Enables to press down the gingiva.
56) For lower molars with festooned beaks.
56A) For big lower molars with very slightly festooned beaks. One size larger than 56.
U67) Best for upper second molars with festooned beaks, compact size.
138) For upper right and lower left third molars with serrated offset beaks, paired with 139.
139) For upper left and lower right third molars with serrated offset beaks, paired with 138.
201) For upper molars with slightly festooned beaks.
202) For big lower molars with flat beaks.
203) For lower right molars and the first bicuspids with flat beaks, Paired with 204.
204) For lower left molars and the first bicuspids with flat beaks, Paired with 203.
205) For upper molars with very slightly festooned beaks.
Distal Clamp) Available for Molars, Both Deciduous and Permanent. Easy to reach distal part of molar.
G-1) For lower left molars with cheek and tongue pressure shoving wings. No need for dental dam, but gauze or cotton rolls. Paired with G-2.
G-2) For lower right molars with cheek and tongue pressure shoving wings. No need for dental dam, but gauze or cotton rolls. Paired with G-1.
Bicuspid Clamps
0) For narrow bicuspid cervical zone with flat beaks. Available for deciduous anteriors as well.
00) For small bicuspid with flat beaks. Available for deciduous anteriors as well.
1) For bicuspid root with festooned beaks.
1A) For cervical cavities of bicuspid with festooned beaks.
2) For lower bicuspid with flat beaks.
2A) For bigger upper and lower bicuspid with flat beaks. A little bigger than 2.
W2A) Similar to 2A but wingless.
22) For upper and lower bicuspid with flat beaks, similar to 207 but wingless.
27) For upper and lower bicuspid with festooned beaks, similar to 206 but wingless.
29) For upper and lower bicuspid with flat beaks, for wider view.
206) For upper and lower bicuspid with festooned beaks. Similar to 27 but winged.
207) For upper and lower bicuspids with flat beaks. Similar to 22 but winged.
208) For big bicuspid. Similar to 207 but the fringe is slightly bigger.
209) For lower bicuspid with flat beaks. Similar to 208 but a little smaller and stronger spring.
Y10) For upper molars in case of exposure of the tooth. Festooned beaks grab Subgingival part. For Premolar.
Labial Clamp
6) For anteriors with slightly offset beaks.
9) For labial cavities on anteriors with slightly off set beaks.
44) For anteriors cuspid and cavities. with flat beaks
90N) Off set beaks and stronger spring
210) For anteriors labial and canines and cavities on bicuspid labial.
211) For labial cavities on anteriors with slightly off set beaks.
212) For gum compression on anteriors with offset beaks.
212SA) Similar to 212 but a little stronger pressure to gingiva.
Deciduous Clamps
54) For upper right the first deciduous molars. (B/54)
55) For upper right the second deciduous molars. (A/55)
64) For upper left the first deciduous molars. (I/64)
65) For upper left the second deciduous molars. (J/65)
74) For lower left the first deciduous molars. (L/74)
75) For lower left the second deciduous molars. (K/75)
84) For lower right the first deciduous molars. (S/84)
85) For lower right the second deciduous molars. (T/85)
P-1) For lower left the first deciduous molars. (L/74) Paired with P-2. For Children’s First Molars.
P-2) For lower right the first deciduous molars. (S/84) Paired with P-1. For Children’s First Molars.
Tiger Clamps
1T) For bicuspid root with festooned serrated beaks.
1AT) For bicuspids, especially for subgingival cavities with deeply festooned serrated beaks.
2T) For lower bicuspids with flat serrated beaks.
2AT) For upper and lower bigger bicuspids with flat serrated beaks. A little bigger than 2T
9T) Used for labial cavities on anteriors with offset serrated beaks.
14T) For partially erupted molars with serrated deeply festooned beaks.
56T) For lower molars with festooned beaks.